Why Deaths from Coronavirus Are So High in Italy

Anar Chuluunbaatar
4 min readMar 25, 2020

Italy reported the 427 deaths from the coronavirus outbreak on last Thursday, raising its amount from 2978–3405, which is the highest number of deaths worldwide in one day. So why the death toll is so high in Italy?

According to the WHO estimate, Italy’s fatality rate is 5%, which is significantly higher than the world average, 3.4%. One of the major impacts is their population age and 23% of its residents, according to the New York Times, are composed of 65 or older people. The Local announced Italy’s citizens among the people in their 80’s and 90’s are more susceptible than the others.

As age grows older, their immune system weakens to protect themselves from any diseases. Thus, their population age makes a drastic impact on the fatality rate.

Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-deaths-from-coronavirus-are-so-high-in-italy/

How Bad Times Bring Out the Best In People

During this severe time of COVID-19, it is seen clearly that people are behaving improperly as if hoarding thousands of bottles of hand sanitizer without considering other beings. To some extent, however, this period can be a chance for companies and organizations to be noted in history.

A devastating Hurricane named Katrina ravaged New Orleans and the Gulf Coast of the Mississippi. From then on, everyday life was a struggle to find clothes, food, and money for several months for the residents; however, there was a heroic act that one bank did, while others were concerned about their daily life. The bank was a Hancock bank established in 1899. Its branches, similarly, were devastated by the hurricane with scavenged floors, drawers, and bank vaults but they coped with this severeness by gathering all the wet, muddy, filthy cash they found and hooked up washers and dryers into generators. They literally laundered money.

After doing that, they placed folding tables in front of their branches to distribute cash to anyone who in need, albeit hardly anyone had their ID because most of them lost their possessions in the Hurricane. Bank employees were recording withdrawals on scraps of paper with their name, address, and social security number. Hancock’s makeshift operation distributed $42 million in laundered cash. According to one news account, it was a scene that made people proud.

Soon after the rehabilitation, they withdrew 99.5% of the money back and their customers increased drastically as a result of the bank’s warm heart dedicated toward the citizens who were delighted. Hancock CEO George Schloegel told an oral history project that “ You were there when I needed you. You are going to be my bank.” Their deposit grew by $1.5 million in the following year of the storm.

Therefore, we must perceive from this story that useful, practical acts of kindness are good for humanity, and for business, asserting professor Melanie Rudd of the University of Houston that we feel good for ourselves after we’ve done that kind of actions. If you are wondering what to do during this time, take a step back from your negativity or concern and learn a lesson from Hancock Bank. Furthermore, bear in mind that alternative methods always exist and attempt to make even a little change in your society before people feel more concerned.

Comet ATLAS Soon Be So Bright That It’s Visible From Earth With Naked Eyes

Recently discovered comet named C/2019 Y4(ATLAS) is on its way to our solar system and is increasing its brightness rapidly.

Astronomers spotted this comet on December 28, 2019, by using ATLAS( Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System) robotic astronomical system in Hawaii. Thus, this comet was named ATLAS.

We can see the ATLAS now by using amateur astronomer equipment because it already crossed the orbit of Mars and its brightness is the same as the eighth magnitude. Its brightness was 600 times brighter than they had previously assumed, Space Magazine reported.

Karl Battams from the Naval Research Lab in Washington, D.C., told SpaceWeatherArchive that “ Right now the comet is releasing huge amounts of its frozen volatile gases. That’s why it’s brightening so fast”

Source: https://www.newsweek.com/comet-atlas-bright-visible-earth-naked-eye-1493912

